Which belief was the basis of President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere?

(A) ** The United States can intervene in the Western Hemisphere to protect political stability and American interests.

(B) Each nation in the Western Hemisphere is entitled to full respect for its sovereign rights.

(C) The Monroe Doctrine has outlived its usefulness and should be ignored

(D) European nations should be allowed to protect their interests in the Western Hemisphere


Concept note-1: -On the positive side, Roosevelt favored spheres of influence, whereby one great power would generally prevail, such as the United States in the Western Hemisphere or Great Britain in the Indian subcontinent. Japan fit that role and he approved. However he had deep distrust of both Germany and Russia.

Concept note-2: -The Roosevelt Corollary took the Monroe doctrine a step forward. In it, Roosevelt said the United States had a responsibility to protect countries in the Americas from recolonization by European powers, and that the U.S.would intervene militarily if it felt it was necessary to do so.

Concept note-3: -Roosevelt has been the main figure identified with progressive conservatism as a political tradition. Roosevelt stated that he had “always believed that wise progressivism and wise conservatism go hand in hand".

Concept note-4: -In 1904, President Theodore Rooseveltchanged the Monroe Doctrine through his “Roosevelt Corollary.” Roosevelt and other prominent Americans were concerned that European creditor nations would use the unpaid debt of the Latin American states to gain political control over them.