How did many Americans justify imperialism?

(A) ** We were spreading democracy

(B) ** We were spreading Christianity

(C) We were providing loans

(D) We were providing educational opportunities


Concept note-1: -Americans justified imperialistic behavior by: Claiming that it was their responsibility. Americans and Europeans both claimed that it was their responsibility as superior races to uplift, civilize and Christianize native peoples. This was known as the White Mans Burden and was based upon the ideas of social Darwinism.

Concept note-2: -To most of the Europeans imperialism was a struggle against their belief system which was Christianity. Christian Missionary Societies forced their government to colonize and build the right facilities for the religious and educational upliftment of the local inhabitants.

Concept note-3: -Both a desire for new markets for its industrial products and a belief in the racial and cultural superiority of Americans motivated the United States’ imperial mission.

Concept note-4: -Imperialism was justified using various beliefs, including Social Darwinism, nationalism, the idea of a “civilizing mission, ” and the goal of converting indigenous populations to a particular religion. These ideologies were used to legitimize the subjugation of other cultures, races, and religions.

Concept note-5: -RELIGIOUS motives included the desire to spread Christianity, to protect European missionaries in other lands, to spread European values and moral beliefs, to educate peoples of other cultures, and to end the slave trade in Africa.