It lasted only 4 months. This was the end of Spain’s colonial empire and the emergence of the US as a world power,

(A) Sinking of the USS Maine

(B) Boxer Rebellion

(C) Dollar Diplomacy

(D) ** Spanish American War


Concept note-1: -How did the Spanish American War make the United States a world power? The US victory in the Spanish American War resulted in the Us gaining possession and/or control of many new territories. These and other territorial gains resulted in the creation of a new far flung empire.

Concept note-2: -Although Spain was reluctant, they were in no position militarily to deny the American demand. The two sides finalized the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. With it came the international recognition that there was a new American empire that included the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.

Concept note-3: -The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. As a result Spain lost its control over the remains of its overseas empire–Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines Islands, Guam, and other islands.

Concept note-4: -Spain-having suffered major military defeats in Cuba and the Philippines, and with both of its fleets destroyed-sued for peace with the United States in a war that lasted four months. Hostilities ended on this day in 1898, with the signing in Washington of a peace protocol between the United States and Spain.