President Woodrow Wilson’s policy of strict neutrality during the early years of World War I was challenged by

(A) ** German violations of freedom of the seas

(B) British disrespect for the Roosevelt corollary

(C) attacks by Mexicans on United States border towns

(D) the refusal of the League of Nations to supply peacekeepers


Concept note-1: -When WWI began in Europe in 1914, many Americans wanted the United States to stay out of the conflict, supporting President Woodrow Wilson’s policy of strict and impartial neutrality. “The United States must be neutral in fact as well as in name during these days that are to try men’s souls.

Concept note-2: -As hostilities broke out between several nations of Europe in 1914, almost immediately, President Wilson declared America’s intent to stay neutral and called on all Americans to remain impartial in thought as well as deed. However, Wilson and the United States found it increasing difficult to remain neutral.

Concept note-3: -Woodrow Wilson, a leader of the Progressive Movement, was the 28th President of the United States (1913-1921). After a policy of neutrality at the outbreak of World War I, Wilson led America into war in order to “make the world safe for democracy.”

Concept note-4: -He wanted to make sure that these Americans would put aside their European loyalties and conform to a single American approach to the war. Woodrow Wilson was well known as an orator, a skilled and eloquent public speaker.