This was the monarch of Hawaii prior to American intervention.

(A) King Liliuokalani

(B) Queen Moana

(C) ** QueenLiliuokalani

(D) King Akamu


Concept note-1: -David Kalākaua was the last king of Hawaii, ruling from 1874 to 1891. In 1885, following a tradition of treaties favoring the United States, he signed a trade reciprocity treaty with the United States. This free-trade agreement made it possible for sugar to be sold to the U.S. market tax-free.

Concept note-2: -When Kalākaua died in early 1891, Liliuokalani succeeded him, becoming the first woman ever to rule Hawaii. As queen, she acted to implement a new constitution that would restore the powers lost to the monarchy through the Bayonet Constitution.

Concept note-3: -Kamehameha is born to Chief Keouakupuapaikalaninui and Chiefess Keku’iapoiwa. In 1810 he will become the first monarch of the Kingdom of Hawai’i after the chiefdoms of all the islands are united under one leader.

Concept note-4: -On January 16, 1893, United States troops invaded the Hawaiian Kingdom without just cause, which led to a conditional surrender by the Hawaiian Kingdom’s executive monarch, Her Majesty Queen Lili’uokalani, the following day.

Concept note-5: -Pro-American business interests had overthrown the Queen when she rejected constitutional limits on her powers. The new government realized that Hawaii was too small and militarily weak to survive in a world of aggressive imperialism, especially on the part of Japan. It was eager for American annexation.