War Industries Board Food Administration Fuel Administration Railroad Administration Emergency Ship Corporation War Labor Board The creation of these federal agencies are an example of:

(A) the government’s attempt to maintain laissez faire policies

(B) the government’s new role in administering overseas colonies

(C) ** the government’s increased power over the economy during World War I

(D) the government’s expanded powers under President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal


Concept note-1: -The War Industries Board (WIB) existed from July 1917 to December 1918 to coordinate and channel production in the United States by setting priorities, fixing prices, and standardizing products to support the war efforts of the United States and its allies.

Concept note-2: -The War Industries Board was a government agency developed to assist in aiding the United States in the industrial production of materials for the American Army as they became involved in World War I. The War Industries Board was created on July 28, 1917, under an executive order issued by Woodrow Wilson.

Concept note-3: -Wilson created the War Industries Board to help industry set priorities and conserve materials. The Board fixed prices for certain commodities and directed the changing of peacetime goods manufacturing to wartime goods. Headed by Bernard Baruch, this was the most powerful of Wilson’s wartime agencies.