What country controlled Panama before the US built the canal?

(A) Spain

(B) Nicaragua

(C) France

(D) ** Columbia


Concept note-1: -The area that became Panama was part of Colombia until the Panamanians revolted, with U.S. support, in 1903. In 1904, the United States and Panama signed a treaty that allowed the United States to build and operate a canal that traversed Panama.

Concept note-2: -George S. Morison was the only commission member who argued for the Panama location. The purchase of the French-held land for $40 million was authorized by the June 28, 1902 Spooner Act. Since Panama was then part of Colombia, Roosevelt began negotiating with that country to obtain the necessary rights.

Concept note-3: -France began work on the canal in 1881, but stopped because of lack of investors’ confidence due to engineering problems and a high worker mortality rate. The United States took over the project on May 4, 1904, and opened the canal on August 15, 1914.

Concept note-4: -French attempts to build a canal through Panama (province of Colombia) advanced further. Led by Ferdinand de Lesseps-the builder of the Suez Canal in Egypt-the French began excavating in 1880.