What was the outcome of the Foraker Act, passed by Congress in 1900?

(A) It made all residents of Puerto Rico American citizens.

(B) ** It allowed for the appointment of a governor for Puerto Rico.

(C) It allowed the United States to permanently send troops to Puerto Rico.

(D) It provided funding to subdue an insurgency in Puerto Rico.


Concept note-1: -President William McKinley signed the legislation into law on April 12, 1900. Although the Foraker Act ended direct military rule of Puerto Rico, the United States continued to exercise the controlling power there.

Concept note-2: -In 1900, Congress passed the Foraker Act, which ended military rule and set up a civil government. The act gave the president of the United States the power to appoint Puerto Rico’s governor and members of the upper house of its legislature. Puerto Ricans could elect only the members of the legislature’s lower house.

Concept note-3: -The Foraker Act, passed by the U.S. Congress in 1900, designated Puerto Rico as an “unorganized territory” of the United States and gave it limited self-government.

Concept note-4: -On April 2, the Foraker Law, officially the Organic Act of 1900, is approved, establishing civil government and free commerce between the island and United States. The law was introduced into Congress by senator Joseph B. Foraker. Puerto Rico became U.S. first unincorporated territory.