Which foreign policy allowed for multiple nations to trade with China?

(A) ** Open Door Policy

(B) Dollar Diplomacy

(C) Moral Diplomacy

(D) Big Stick Policy


Concept note-1: -The Open Door policy was a statement of principles initiated by the United States in 1899 and 1900. It called for protection of equal privileges for all countries trading with China and for the support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity.

Concept note-2: -The Open Door Policy was a policy between China, the US, Japan, and several European powers that stated each of those countries should have equal access to Chinese trade. It was created in 1899 by US Secretary of State John Hay and lasted until 1949, when the Chinese civil war ended.

Concept note-3: -The term “open door policy” refers to the proposition to keep trade in China open equally to trade with all countries, preventing any one nation from controlling trade in the region. The policy also called for powers to respect Chinese territorial integrity.

Concept note-4: -Note: It is important to note that Deng Xiaoping announced the Open Door Policy in 1978 for foreign companies to invest and establish in China. This policy led to the major economic transformation of modern-day China.

Concept note-5: -The Open Door Policy was a foreign policy regarding China that was written by United States Secretary of State John Hay, who served under President William McKinley. It stated that all foreign countries were to have equal trading rights with China.