Which of the following is NOT true about Hawaii and its experience with Imperialism?

(A) Hawaii had the resource of sugar

(B) Hawaii’s queen was Queen Liliuokalani

(C) Missionaries were first sent to Hawaii

(D) ** Native Hawaiians wanted to become apart of America


Concept note-1: -In Hawaii, American businessmen basically overthrew Queen Lili’uokalani and established their own government. The Cleveland administration said the actions were illegal, but Hawaii was annexed by the U.S. under President McKinley.

Concept note-2: -Ultimately, annexation was achieved due to the perceived threat of the Japanese invasion. Waves of Japanese came to the islands in increasing numbers to work in the sugar trade. U.S. military leaders feared potential Japanese occupation of the islands and created a strategic naval base in the center of the Pacific.

Concept note-3: -Answer and Explanation: Hawaii was attractive to American imperialists for two reasons. First, its natural resources, especially sugar, could be exploited. Second, it was an ideal location for a naval base.

Concept note-4: -But in 1898, Hawaii was annexed into the USA, and Queen L. lost her throne. This imperial move to take Hawaii falls under the imperialist strategy of economic benefits, mostly. Hawaii was seen as a way to make profits for America by growing sugar.