(A) The Loudoun Sun Times
(B) ** Exaggerated News Reports
(C) Yellow Paper Reports
(D) Nonfiction News Reports
Concept note-1: -yellow journalism, the use of lurid features and sensationalized news in newspaper publishing to attract readers and increase circulation. The phrase was coined in the 1890s to describe the tactics employed in the furious competition between two New York City newspapers, the World and the Journal.
Concept note-2: -Yellow journalism usually refers to sensationalistic or biased stories that newspapers present as objective truth.
Concept note-3: -Thus, in its most developed and intense form, yellow journalism was characterized by: the frequent use of multicolumn headlines that sometimes stretched across the front page. a variety of topics reported on the front page, including news of politics, war, international diplomacy, sports, and society.
Concept note-4: -News stories that are focused on grabbing people’s attention rather than conveying well-reported news are known as yellow journalism. A newspaper headline like “ALIENS STEAL NEIGHBORHOOD PUPPIES” is definitely an example of yellow journalism.