Which statement best describes the term, Manifest Destiny?

(A) the growing desire for new economic markets outside the United States

(B) a belief that American should not expand beyond its current borders

(C) ** the idea that Americans were a superior people and had a God-given right to control the North America continent

(D) a philosophy that stated government should take a “hands off” approach to the economy


Concept note-1: -The philosophy describing the necessary expansion of the nation westward was called Manifest Destiny; the belief that it was our duty to settle the continent, conquer and prosper.

Concept note-2: -The term was used by the then-Democrats in the 1840s to justify the Mexican–American War, and it was also used to negotiate the Oregon boundary dispute.

Concept note-3: -Which statement best describes the doctrine of manifest destiny? God expected white Americans to expand across the continent and spread democratic ideals.

Concept note-4: -Newspaper editor John O’Sullivan coined the term “manifest destiny” in 1845 to describe the essence of this mindset. A symbol of Manifest Destiny, the figure “Columbia” moves across the land in advance of settlers, replacing darkness with light and ignorance with civilization.