(A) ** Neutrality
(B) Alliances
(C) Imperialism
Concept note-1: -Armed neutrality is a term used in international politics for the attitude of a state or group of states that makes no alliance with either side in a war. It is the condition of a neutral power during a war to hold itself ready to resist by force, any aggression of either belligerent.
Concept note-2: -2 Violations of Neutrality A violation of neutrality can consist of: (1) an act of war which affects the impartiality of the neutral State, or (2) an act of war which affects the neutral State as a non-participant to the armed conflict.
Concept note-3: -Neutrality means that humanitarian aid must not favour any side in an armed conflict or other dispute. Impartiality means that humanitarian aid must be provided solely on the basis of need, without discrimination.