(A) Ali
(B) ** Faisal
(C) Mohammad
(D) Abdullah
Concept note-1: -Britain seized Iraq from Ottoman Turkey during World War I and was granted a mandate by the League of Nations to govern the nation in 1920.
Concept note-2: -Summary. The British invasion and occupation of the three Ottoman provinces of Basra, Baghdad and Mosul and their subsequent consolidation into the new state of Iraq under a League of Nations Mandate administered by Great Britain radically changed the political worlds of the inhabitants of these territories.
Concept note-3: -Britain’s direct intervention in Iraq lasted 18 years. This time, during which Britain struggled to build an Iraqi state, can be usefully divided into four stages, 1914-1920, 1920-1923, 1923-1927 and finally 1927-1932.
Concept note-4: -British mandate of Mesopotamia Ottoman rule over Iraq lasted until World War I, when the Ottomans sided with Germany and the Central Powers.