(A) tried to improve the health of the people of the world
(B) To organise the work of the committees, and liaise between them
(C) ** tried to get refugees home, or into camps
Concept note-1: -While camps are not established to provide permanent solutions, they offer a safe haven for refugees and meet their most basic needs such as food, water, shelter, medical treatment and other basic services during emergencies.
Concept note-2: -What was the Refugees Commission in the League of Nations? The Refugees Commission (or Committee) was set up following the end of the First World War with the aim of repatriating the many hundreds of thousands of refugees who had fled areas of conflict.
Concept note-3: -UNHCR is the lead agency with respect to the protection of refugees and the internally displaced. Along with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), it is the lead agency for camp coordination and management.
Concept note-4: -The refugee was offered a seat in the committee meetings. They asked him to come again next year.