Which agreement dealth with Germany’s western borders?

(A) Rapallo

(B) ** Locarno

(C) Kellogg-Briand

(D) Munich


Concept note-1: -Pact of Locarno, (Dec. 1, 1925), series of agreements whereby Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain, and Italy mutually guaranteed peace in western Europe.

Concept note-2: -Also known as the Locarno Pact, the treaty guaranteed Germany’s western frontier, which the bordering states of France, Germany, and Belgium pledged to treat as inviolable. As signatories of the agreement, Britain and Italy committed themselves to help to repel any armed aggression across the frontier.

Concept note-3: -The Locarno Agreement created a Union, which has an Assembly. Every State that is a member of the Union is a member of the Assembly. Among the most important tasks of the Assembly is the adoption of the biennial program and budget of the Union.

Concept note-4: -The foreign ministers then convened in the Swiss resort of Locarno in October 1925, where they came to an agreement on the treaties. The first treaty was the most critical: a mutual guarantee of the frontiers of Belgium, France, and Germany, guaranteed by Britain and Italy.

Concept note-5: -A series of international agreements drawn up in Locarno, a health resort in Switzerland at the north end of Lake Maggiore. Their object was to ease tension by guaranteeing the common boundaries of Germany, Belgium, and France as specified in the Versailles Peace Settlement in 1919.