(A) Malaria and Smallpox
(B) Malaria and Dysentery
(C) ** Malaria and Leprosy
(D) Malaria and Tuberculosis
Concept note-1: -Protection against mosquito bites include the use of mosquito bed nets (preferably insecticide-treated nets), the wearing of clothes that cover most of the body, and use of insect repellent on exposed skin. Type and concentration of repellents depend on age and status.
Concept note-2: -Prevent Mosquito Bites Mosquitoes that transmit malaria bite between dusk and dawn. Prevent mosquito bites by staying indoors during this time. If out-of-doors, wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and a hat. Apply insect repellent to exposed skin only; do not use under clothing.
Concept note-3: -Two common methods are: using insecticide-treated mosquito nets and indoor spraying. By forming a physical barrier between mosquitos and humans, nets are a simple and effective means of preventing infection, particularly if people sleep underneath one, as mosquitos emerge to feed at dawn and dusk.