American Anti-Imperialist League opposed U.S. actions in the Philippines for what reason?

(A) Its alliance with Spain had drawn the U.S. into an unjust war.

(B) ** The motives for U.S. actions went against core American values

(C) The Philippines was an independent nation when the U.S. invaded

(D) Congress had not given approval for military action as the Constitution required.


Concept note-1: -This excerpt justifies the American Anti-Imperialist League’s opposition to U.S. actions in the Philippines for what reason? Its alliance with Spain had drawn the U.S. into an unjust war. The motives for U.S. actions went against core American values. The Philippines was an independent nation when the U.S. invaded.

Concept note-2: -Answer and Explanation: Members of the American Anti-Imperialist League opposed the annexation of the Philippines because they viewed it as fundamentally going against the republican ideals of the United States. The American Anti-Imperialist League was founded in Boston in 1898.

Concept note-3: -The league argued against militarization and the creation of an overseas American Empire and asserted that the principles the United States had been founded upon needed to extend to foreign policy as well.

Concept note-4: -The Anti-Imperialist League was formed in June 1898 [?] to oppose the war of the United States with Spain over Cuba’s fight for independence from Spanish rule. The United States also wished to expand its influence in the Carribean and across the Pacfic and so annexed the Philippine Islands and Puerto Rico.