What were two reasons that caused McKinley to declare war against Spain?

(A) America wanted to own Cuba

(B) ** The U.S.S. Maine was in Cuba when it mysteriously exploded.

(C) The Rough Riders were ready to fight the Spanish

(D) ** Yellow Journalism


Concept note-1: -President McKinley found it impossible to resist the mounting public and political pressure for war against Spain. In requesting a declaration of war from the Senate on April 11, 1898, he listed several concerns but stressed the nation’s humanitarian sympathy for the Cuban independence movement.

Concept note-2: -Yellow journalism contributed to the U.S. declaring war by using “sensational stories that tugged at readers’ heartstrings to sell papers.” These papers blamed Spain for the sinking of the ship, even though they had no evidence to prove it. Spain declared war on April 24, 1898 and the U.S. declared war the next day.

Concept note-3: -Oddly enough, President McKinley also opposed the War. McKinley, who was closely tied to Wall Street and business networks, knew that most businessmen were against going to war. Mark Hanna, wealthy businessman and a leading advisor of McKinley, told McKinley to try and avoid war.

Concept note-4: -Which of these is a reason President William McKinley advocated going to war with Spain in 1898? War was needed to make the region safe for American business and commerce. “Like multi-national companies today, United Fruit made alliances when and where it could to survive.