Why did the United States need to expand its trade into new markets after the Civil War?

(A) ** America had an excess of agricultural and industrial goods and needed foreign markets to purchase these American goods.

(B) America needed raw materials to industrialize like Europe had already done.

(C) America needed to expand its trade with countries who would sell America arms to prepare for future wars.


Concept note-1: -Expanding the production of America’s most competitive industries and products, through exports, raises U.S. incomes. Shifting production to the most competitive areas of our economy helps raise the productivity of the average American worker and through that the income they earn.

Concept note-2: -To many Americans the frontier meant growth and opportunity. The idea that the frontier no longer existed was alarming. Americans began to look beyond the nation’s borders to frontiers overseas where they could expand trade and compete for political influence.

Concept note-3: -The opportunity to work in the cattle industry; to be a “cowboy” Faster travel to the West by railroad; availability of supplies due to the railroad. The opportunity to own land cheaply under the Homestead Act. The discovery of wheat strains adapted to grow in the climate of the Plains.

Concept note-4: -In the decades following the Civil War, the United States emerged as an industrial giant. Old industries expanded and many new ones, including petroleum refining, steel manufacturing, and electrical power, emerged.