(A) ** pacifist
(B) isolationist
(C) boring
(D) communist
Concept note-1: -: an adherent to pacifism : someone who opposes war or violence as a means of settling disputes.
Concept note-2: -pacifism, the principled opposition to war and violence as a means of settling disputes. Pacifism may entail the belief that the waging of war by a state and the participation in war by an individual are absolutely wrong, under any circumstances.
Concept note-3: -In contrast to the just war tradition, pacifism rejects war as an acceptable means for obtaining peace. Pacifists will often refuse to serve in the military. And some refuse to support political and social systems that promote war by, for example, withholding their taxes.
Concept note-4: -Pacifism is the theory that peaceful rather than violent or belligerent relations should govern human intercourse and that arbitration, surrender, or migration should be used to resolve disputes.