(A) ** No mans land
(B) La La land
(C) Attack Trenches
(D) Switzerland
Concept note-1: -the narrow, muddy, treeless stretch of land, characterized by numerous shell holes, that separated German and Allied trenches during the First World War. Being in No Man’s Land was considered very dangerous since it offered little or no protection for soldiers.
Concept note-2: -The Legend of What Actually Lived in the “No Man’s Land” Between World War I’s Trenches. During World War I, No Man’s Land was both an actual and a metaphorical space. It separated the front lines of the opposing armies and was perhaps the only location where enemy troops could meet without hostility.
Concept note-3: -The width of No Man’s Land often varies, but the average distance in most areas was about 250 yards (230 meters). Along No Man’s Land were considerable amounts of barbed wire, especially in the areas most likely to be attacked.