(A) Women took over jobs in factories while the men went to war
(B) Americans grew victory gardens
(C) Many Americans observed meatless and wheatless days in order to conserve food
(D) ** Americans gave money to the Central Powers to build up their military
Concept note-1: -As the U.S. military recruited young men for service, civilians were called upon to do their part by buying War bonds, donating to charity, or, if they worked in industry, going that extra mile for the troops.
Concept note-2: -At home, buying war bonds or savings stamps was probably the most common way to support the war. When people bought a bond or a savings stamp, they were lending money to the government. Their money would be paid back with interest after the war.
Concept note-3: -The war effort was costly-with an eventual price tag in excess of $32 billion by 1920-and the government needed to finance it. The Liberty Loan Act allowed the federal government to sell liberty bonds to the American public, extolling citizens to “do their part” to help the war effort and bring the troops home.