Which of the following statements would President Woodrow Wilson most likely support today?

(A) Punishing Iraq and Afghanistan as much as possible for causing the U.S. to be at war over thee for well over a decade.

(B) Send troops and attack Iran as soon as possible before they have a chance to develop a nuclear weapon.

(C) the U.S. should determine how many soldiers and what weapons each country in the Middle East should have.

(D) ** The U.S. should work with other nations around the world to come to a peaceful resolution keeping Iran from developing nuclear weapons.


Concept note-1: -Nuclear weapons represent the ultimate defense of the nation, a deterrent against any and all potential adversaries. Combined with diplomacy and conventional military capabilities, nuclear weapons have helped to avoid a large-scale conflict between leading world powers for over fifty years.

Concept note-2: -When the extreme danger intrinsic to nuclear war and the possession of nuclear weapons became apparent to all sides during the Cold War, a series of disarmament and nonproliferation treaties were agreed upon between the United States, the Soviet Union, and several other states throughout the world.

Concept note-3: -1950s-1960s. Iran’s nuclear program was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States. On 5 March 1957, a “proposed agreement for cooperation in research in the peaceful uses of atomic energy” was announced under the Eisenhower administration’s Atoms for Peace program.

Concept note-4: -Currently, Iran has a uranium stockpile to create 8 to ten nuclear bombs. But thanks to this nuclear deal, Iran must reduce its stockpile of uranium by 98%, and will keep its level of uranium enrichment at 3.67%-significantly below the enrichment level needed to create a bomb.