Russia wasn’t allowed to join the League of Nations because they were

(A) ** Communist

(B) Capitalist

(C) Democratic

(D) Authoritarian


Concept note-1: -Russia, now the Soviet Union, was not invited to join the League due to the radical policies of the new communist government. The Soviet Union finally became a member of the League in 1935. In November 1919, the US Senate voted against accepting membership to the League, and the nation never joined.

Concept note-2: -September 18, 1934 general meeting of the League of Nations adopted a resolution on the admission of the USSR into the League and the inclusion of its representative to its Board as a permanent member.

Concept note-3: -Be that as it may-after 15 years of opposition the USSR had joined the Organization which, judging at least by the declarations of its founders, was created in order to safeguard general peace and to prevent a new world war.

Concept note-4: -The United States never joined the League. Most historians hold that the League operated much less effectively without U.S. participation than it would have otherwise. However, even while rejecting membership, the Republican Presidents of the period, and their foreign policy architects, agreed with many of its goals.

Concept note-5: -Soviet Russia and the USA were not a part of the League of Nations. The League of Nations was an organisation formed based on 14 points presented by the then American President Woodrow Wilson during the Paris Peace Process on January 10, 1920. Q. Which of the following countries were not a part of League of Nations?