The US Senate did not join the League of Nations and as a result . . .

(A) The League of Nations was strong

(B) ** The League of Nations was weak

(C) Germany never had to pay reparations.


Concept note-1: -He demanded Congressional control of declarations of war; Wilson refused and blocked his move to ratify the treaty with reservations. As a result, the United States never joined the League of Nations.

Concept note-2: -Motivated by Republican concerns that the League would commit the United States to an expensive organization that would reduce the United States’ ability to defend its own interests, Lodge led the opposition to joining the League.

Concept note-3: -Answer and Explanation: The main impact of the United States’ rejection of the League of Nations was that the organization ultimately collapsed. Furthermore, the U.S.’s reaction to and hostility toward the League weakened it, as its inception was predicated on the United States’ involvement.

Concept note-4: -Republicans win control of the Senate in 1918 and oppose the League of Nations, arguing that it gives away too much American sovereignty. When Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge offers a series of “reservations” to make the treaty more acceptable, Wilson rejects them.

Concept note-5: -In 1919 the Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles, which formally ended World War I, in part because President Woodrow Wilson had failed to take senators’ objections to the agreement into consideration. They have made the French treaty subject to the authority of the League, which is not to be tolerated.