Vocabulary term for forcing a nation to reduce its armed forces and not allow them to acquire weapons.

(A) reparations

(B) ** demilitarization

(C) self-determination

(D) nationalism


Concept note-1: -Demilitarisation or demilitarization may mean the reduction of state armed forces; it is the opposite of militarisation in many respects. For instance, the demilitarisation of Northern Ireland entailed the reduction of British security and military apparatuses.

Concept note-2: -Since the birth of the United Nations, the goals of multilateral disarmament and arms limitation have been central to the Organization’s efforts to maintain international peace and security.

Concept note-3: -To demilitarize is to remove all armed forces from an area. When a country brings its troops home at the end of a war, they demilitarize the region. When a government removes its military forces, it demilitarizes the area those troops once occupied.

Concept note-4: -Arms control aims to limit the number of weapons and to regulate their use by virtue of bilateral or multilateral agreements or arrangements. Disarmament, on the other hand, aims at the elimination of entire weapon system categories.

Concept note-5: -Broadly defined, militarization is the cultural, symbolic, and material preparation for war, and as recent research in anthropology has shown, militarization and the presence of state militaries influences much of the ‘everyday life’ in many societies and cultures around the world, both explicitly and subtly.