What happened to Germany’s overseas empire?

(A) ** Germany’s colonies became mandates controlled by the League of Nations

(B) The Big Three shared out Germany’s colonies between themselves

(C) Germany was allowed to keep a couple of small countries

(D) ** Germany was stripped of all her colonies


Concept note-1: -After the German defeat in World War I, Germany’s colonial empire was officially dissolved with the Treaty of Versailles. Each colony became a League of Nations mandate under the supervision, although not ownership, of one of the victorious powers.

Concept note-2: -Outside Europe, Germany lost all its colonies. In sum, Germany forfeited 13 percent of its European territory (more than 27, 000 square miles) and one-tenth of its population (between 6.5 and 7 million people).

Concept note-3: -When Germany was defeated in World War I it didn’t only lose the war: Its empire collapsed and it had to part with around one-seventh of its land mass and 10% of its population. Alsace-Lorraine was ceded to France and West Prussia was given up to the newly re-established Poland.

Concept note-4: -The German Colonial Empire encompassed parts of several African countries, including parts of present-day Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Namibia, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, as well as northeastern New Guinea, Samoa and numerous Micronesian islands.

Concept note-5: -Otto von Bismarck, then Chancellor of the German Reich, initially rejected colonial acquisitions, but the public and the elite demanded them, so he allowed colonization in 1884. The first 15 years under German patronage were characterized by unfair treaties, racism and violence.