Which of the following is true about President Wilson’s Fourteen Points?(¿Cuál de los siguientes enunciados sobre los Catorce Puntos del presidente Wilson es verdadero?)

(A) It demanded the removal of economic barriers to promote free trade between countries.

(B) It called for freedom of the seas, the right for merchant ships to travel freely in international waters.

(C) It proposed a League of Nations, an organization that would resolve conflicts between countries.

(D) ** All of the Above


Concept note-1: -The 14 points included proposals to ensure world peace in the future: open agreements, arms reductions, freedom of the seas, free trade, and self-determination for oppressed minorities.

Concept note-2: -In the speech, Wilson directly addressed what he perceived as the causes for the world war by calling for the abolition of secret treaties, a reduction in armaments, an adjustment in colonial claims in the interests of both native peoples and colonists, and freedom of the seas.

Concept note-3: -Which of the following best describes the relationship between President Wilson’s Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles? The Fourteen Points added the League of Nations to the Treaty of Versailles.

Concept note-4: -While the 14 points are mainly about establishing countries independence and making Europe a more free place to live, the treaty focuses mainly on punishing the Germans for what they did, which can be seen in the blame and reparation terms.