Which of the Treaty of Versailles terms impacted Germany’s economy the most?

(A) Giving up 1, 000, 000 square miles of land

(B) ** Paying $33 Billion in reparations

(C) Limiting it’s military

(D) Being prohibited from joining with Austria.


Concept note-1: -Article 231, commonly called the war guilt clause, required Germany to accept responsibility for causing “all the loss and damage” inflicted on the Allies.

Concept note-2: -Germany was economically devastated after a draining defeat in World War I. Due to the Versailles treaty, Germany was forced to pay incredibly sizeable reparations to France and Great Britain.

Concept note-3: -The Treaty of Versailles didn’t just blame Germany for the war-it demanded financial restitution for the whole thing, to the tune of 132 billion gold marks, or more than $500 billion today.

Concept note-4: -The Treaty of Versailles (signed in 1919) and the 1921 London Schedule of Payments required Germany to pay 132 billion gold marks (US$33 billion [all values are contemporary, unless otherwise stated]) in reparations to cover civilian damage caused during the war.

Concept note-5: -The most famous legacy of the Treaty of Versailles is that its draconian terms-designed to prevent Germany from repeating its military aggression-instead created an economic and political crisis that led to the rise of Hitler and the start of World War II.