How many U.S. presidents have won 49 out of 50 states?

(A) 3

(B) 5

(C) ** 2

(D) 12


Concept note-1: -Reagan won a landslide re-election victory, carrying 49 of the 50 states, making this the second election in the twentieth century in which a party won 49 states (after the 1972 election).

Concept note-2: -Nixon won the election in a landslide, taking 60.7% of the popular vote and carrying 49 states, while being the first Republican to sweep the South.

Concept note-3: -Voters in each state choose electors by casting a vote for the presidential candidate of their choice. The slate winning the most popular votes is the winner. Only two states, Nebraska and Maine, do not follow this winner-take-all method. In those states, electoral votes are proportionally allocated.

Concept note-4: -Wilson took advantage of the Republican split, winning 40 states and a large majority of the electoral vote with just 41.8% of the popular vote, the lowest support for any President after 1860.

Concept note-5: -In one of the greatest election upsets in American history, incumbent President Harry S. Truman, the Democratic nominee, defeated heavily-favored Republican Governor Thomas E. Dewey, winning re-election in a four-way contest. Presidential election results map.