An animal cell can produce energy because it has mitochondria.
A plant cell has a well defined shape because it has a cell wall.
A plant cell can store genetic information because it has a nucleus.
Molecules can only pass into an animal cell because it has a cell membrane.
Detailed explanation-1: -Animal cells are mostly round and irregular in shape while plant cells have fixed, rectangular shapes. Plant and animal cells are both eukaryotic cells, so they have several features in common, such as the presence of a cell membrane, and cell organelles, like the nucleus, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum.
Detailed explanation-2: -A prominent difference between a plant and an animal cell is the presence of a cell wall and chloroplasts. Plant cells have chloroplasts and the cell membrane has an outer covering called cell wall. Animal cells lack both chloroplasts and cell walls.
Detailed explanation-3: -Three differences between a plant cell and an animal cell are: Animal cell lack cell wall, unlike a plant cell which has a cellulosic cell wall. Animal cell lack chloroplast, whereas plant cell has chloroplast. Animal cell has centrioles, centrosome, and lysosome but plant cell lack them.
Detailed explanation-4: -1. A plant cell is surrounded by a rigid cell wall. 1. An animal cell does not have a cell wall.
Detailed explanation-5: -Plant cells have a cell wall. On the other hand, Animal cells lack a cell wall. However, Plants rely on their cell walls for stability. Plants use chloroplasts to perform photosynthesis, which allows them to produce food, and thus they have it, however, Animal cells lack chloroplasts.