water leaves the egg/cell because there is less water in the egg than in the salt water
water enters the egg/cell because there is more water in the egg than in the salt water
water leaves the egg/cell because there is more water in the egg than in the salt water
water enters the egg/cell because there is less water in the egg than in the salt water
Detailed explanation-1: -The egg shrinks because water passes out from the egg into salt solution. The salt solution being more concentrated than the inside of the egg (hypertonic). As a result of which osmosis takes place.
Detailed explanation-2: -So when you put an egg in water only, water flows in through the membrane making the egg expand. The egg in the salt water shrunk. This is because the solution outside the egg is more concentrated, so the water flowed out from the dilute solution to the concentrated solution.
Detailed explanation-3: -Salt solution is a hypertonic solution. When we place a de-shelled egg inside a salt solution, then the water travels from inside the cell to outside it, reducing the size of the egg. This is because of exosmosis.
Detailed explanation-4: -A cell place in salty solution would loose water as water will move from cell to surrounding hypertonic medium by the process of osmosis causing the cell to shrivel up.
Detailed explanation-5: -What happens to the cells when the salt water is flushed out with distilled water? The cells initially become more turgid (swollen) than return to original size.