point the test tube in any direction
hold the test tube with two fingers
cork the test tube
wear goggles
Detailed explanation-1: -Always wear safety glasses. Always point the test tube away from any other person in the lab. Heat the test tube being held at an angle so there is a way for the gases produced to escape safely. Heat the test tube at the top of the solution not the bottom where a gas bubble can cause an explosion.
Detailed explanation-2: -While heating liquids in a test tube, we should always keep the mouth of the test tube away from the face. Chemical substances are more harmful during the heating, if we do not follow the safety rules then we can meet with some accidents.
Detailed explanation-3: -If a solution contained in a test tube is to be heated on a burner, hold the test tube with the help of a test tube holder at an angle and heat just below the surface of the liquid but not at the bottom (Fig. 2.8). While heating, shake the test tube occasionally.
Detailed explanation-4: -chemistry-safety in the lab. Safe heating of test tubes over a Bunsen burner involves pointing the open end of the test tube being heated away from others. The Bunsen burner flame can heat objects to beyond 600 oC. The blue flame, being the hottest, is not easy to see and can be very dangerous to anyone near by.
Detailed explanation-5: -Rubber and cork stoppers are used to close test tubes and flasks, thus avoiding spillage or contamination. Containers should NEVER be heated when there is a stopper in place – pressure will build up, and an explosion could occur.