Injecting poison that digests the prey
Everting their stomach to digest prey
Chewing their prey with jaws and teeth
squeezing their prey until it dies
Detailed explanation-1: -They digest prey outside of their bodies by extruding their stomach out through their mouth and enveloping their meal. Once the food is digested, their stomach is drawn back into their body. Sea stars live in salt water and are found in all of the world’s oceans, from warm, tropical waters to the cold seafloor.
Detailed explanation-2: -The sea star has a feeding method unlike any other; it secures its prey with its tube feet and pries it open-like the shells of bivalve (clams and mussels are favorites!), and then ejects its stomach from its own body, placing it over the digestible parts of the prey.
Detailed explanation-3: -Rather than ingesting prey through its mouth, a sea star will push its stomach out of its mouth to begin feeding. This process is called eversion and is done so that the starfish can expose prey to digestive enzymes and begin its digestion outside of its body.
Detailed explanation-4: -Yep, they evert their stomachs and consume their prey outside their bodies. 17 They use digestive enzymes to purify the mollusk’s body inside the shells, so that they can snack on tasty mollusk juice before returning their stomachs to their own bodies. This can enable sea stars to devour prey larger than themselves.