In the consideration of guaranteeing HC, if the mother, the Hb-typing result is Hb E trait (born from the Beta line) and the father, the Hb-typing result is the Hb H trait (born from the Alpha line), there will be a tendency for how to consider
Not accepting HC, receiving life STD because parents are only carriers of thalassemia, but they are different types.
Receiving HC Receiving Life STD as both parents are thalassemia carriers
Patients with HC cannot consider Life as both parents are thalassemia carriers.
Not receiving HC and still unable to consider life because both parents are thalassemia carriers. CBC and Hb-typing blood tests must be informed first.
Detailed explanation-1: -In Hb EE, the electrophoresis generally indicates 90% or more Hb E with a mild elevation in Hb F. Hb E +-thalassemia may have an extremely variable laboratory picture. They usually have a mild anemia of approximately 9.5 g/dL. However, significant ranges of anemia has been observed, with Hb as low as 5.7 g/dL.
Detailed explanation-2: -If both parents have the beta thalassaemia trait, there’s a: 1 in 4 chance each child they have will not inherit any faulty genes and will not have thalassaemia or be able to pass it on. 1 in 2 chance each child they have will just inherit a copy of the faulty gene from 1 parent and be a carrier.
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