The Great Migration refers to the shift of the AfricanAmerican population from the

(A) rural South to the rural North

(B) rural North to the rural South

(C) urban South to the urban North

(D) ** rural South to the urban North


Concept note-1: -The Great Migration was one of the largest movements of people in United States history. Approximately six million Black people moved from the American South to Northern, Midwestern, and Western states roughly from the 1910s until the 1970s.

Concept note-2: -What is the Great Migration? Throughout the year, East Africa’s wide-open grasslands are the setting for the Great Migration as millions of wildebeests, Burchell’s zebras, antelopes and other herd animals make the trek from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the Masai Mara in Kenya.

Concept note-3: -Frequently asked questions about the Great Migration The Great Wildebeest Migration is the largest animal migration in the world. Every year, more than 2 million animals (wildebeest, zebra, and gazelle) migrate in a clockwise direction across the ecosystems of the Serengeti (Tanzania) and the Masai Mara (Kenya).

Concept note-4: -The Great Migration generally refers to the massive internal migration of Blacks from the South to urban centers in other parts of the country. Between 1910 and 1970, an estimated 6 million Blacks left the South.

Concept note-5: -Which best describes how the Great Migration affected Northern cities? Northern cities grew more diverse as African Americans shared their culture.