The U.S. had a duty to shape “less civilized” parts of the world because English speaking nations had superior character, ideas, & government

(A) ** Anglo-Saxonism

(B) Social Darwinism

(C) White Mans Burden

(D) Republican


Concept note-1: -Advocates of imperialism believed that the Anglo-Saxon race were naturally superior to other racial groups. Thus, Americans and other Anglo-Saxon nations had a duty to spread their power through military and economic means over ‘’inferior” nations in Africa and Asia.

Concept note-2: -In the 1880s, economic and military competition from Europe and a growing feeling of cultural superiority convinced many Americans that the United States should become a world power. Many European nations were expanding overseas, a development called the New Imperialism.

Concept note-3: -Manifest Destiny was always a general notion rather than a specific policy. The term combined a belief in expansionism with other popular ideas of the era, including American exceptionalism, Romantic nationalism, and a belief in the natural superiority of what was then called the “ Anglo-Saxon race."

Concept note-4: -American business leaders and farmers believed that foreign markets with access to additional consumers would alleviate some of these problems. By 1890, many American business leaders began to cast covetous eyes overseas in a search for new markets and investment opportunities.