Follows scent
Hides in burrow (underground)
Produces saliva
Rolls into a ball
Detailed explanation-1: -If attacked they will curl into a prickly and unappetizing ball that deters most predators. They usually sleep in this position during the day and awaken to search for food at night.
Detailed explanation-2: -When threatened, the hedgehog raises its quills upright in a crisscross pattern, making its body pointy and sharp. It uses its belly muscles, back muscles, and extra skin to tuck in its head, legs, and tail to curl into a complete ball, protecting its soft belly. The solid ball of spikes is hard for predators to open.
Detailed explanation-3: -When they are frightened, or annoyed, hedgehogs will roll into a ball so that an predator will feel the full brunt of its sharp spines and will then leave the hedgehog alone. You wouldn’t want to eat something that pokey would you?
Detailed explanation-4: -Pangolins are uniquely covered in tough, overlapping scales. These mammals eat ants and termites using an extraordinarily long, sticky tongue, and are able to quickly roll themselves up into a tight ball when they feel threatened. Eight different pangolin species can be found across Asia and Africa.
Detailed explanation-5: -They have poor eyesight but an acute sense of smell, touch and hearing. If threatened with danger, a hedgehog will raise its spines and roll up into a tight ball. This will deter most animals, though a determined fox is capable of opening one up! The spines are really modified hairs about 25mm long.