Young ducklings follow their mother.
A bird makes a nest of grasses and twigs.
Your cat rubs against your ankles when you open a can of cat food.
A chimpanzee searches for a longer pole to reach for a distant fruit.
Detailed explanation-1: -Answer and Explanation: An example of imprinting is young ducklings following their mother, due to exposure to the mother duck during a critical period of their growth.
Detailed explanation-2: -Imprinting: how ducklings recognize and learn to trust their mothers (and siblings) In the first days of life, during what is called a ‘sensitive period, ’ young birds of many species undergo a phenomenon called imprinting (Figure 1).
Detailed explanation-3: -For example, after birth or hatching, the newborn follows another animal that it recognizes or marks as its mother (filial imprinting). Another example is when a young goose after hatching can follow its future mating partner and when mature it will start to mate with its imprinted partner (sexual imprinting).
Detailed explanation-4: -By paddling in an orderly line behind their mother, baby ducks can take a ride on the waves in her wake. That boost saves the ducklings energy, researchers report in the Dec. 10 issue of the Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
Detailed explanation-5: -Imprinting refers to a critical period of time early in an animal’s life when it forms attachments and develops a concept of its own identity. Birds and mammals are born with a pre-programmed drive to imprint onto their mother.