A Yes, her cells just need to combine amino acids to release energy.
B No, her cells need to combine glucose into starch molecules to release energy.
C No, her cells need glucose to react with oxygen to release energy.
D Yes, her cells just need oxygen to release energy.
Detailed explanation-1: -Doctors tested a patient to find out what molecules were in her cells. Her cells contained normal levels of amino acids, normal levels of oxygen molecules, and low levels of glucose molecules. Will this patient be able to exercise normally? Yes, her cells just need to combine amino acids to release energy.
Detailed explanation-2: -Doctors tested a patient and found that his cells contained normal levels of oxygen and glucose molecules, and no starch molecules. Will this patient be able to exercise normally? Yes, the glucose and oxygen molecules can react together to release energy for the body to function.
Detailed explanation-3: -In cells use oxygen to release energy stored in sugars such as glucose. In fact, most of the energy used by the cells in your body is provided by cellular respiration. Just as photosynthesis occurs in organelles called chloroplasts, cellular respiration takes place in organelles called mitochondria.
Detailed explanation-4: -The oxygen, glucose, and amino acid molecules you get from air and food are the fuel your body needs to function every day. Without these molecules, your cells can’t do what they need to do to keep your body healthy.
Detailed explanation-5: -What is one way doctors will be able to tell whether her body is healthy enough to do all her tasks while she is in the submarine? The doctors could see if her cells are getting the molecules they need from food and air.