a group of the same type of organism living in a certain place
a group of living things found in an ecosystem
regions of the world with the same climate, animals, and plants
a large group into which organisms are organized according to their traits
Detailed explanation-1: -biome, also called major life zone, the largest geographic biotic unit, a major community of plants and animals with similar life forms and environmental conditions. It includes various communities and is named for the dominant type of vegetation, such as grassland or coniferous forest.
Detailed explanation-2: -How are the plants and animals found in a biome related to the biomes climate? The plants and animals that live in a certain biome have adaptations that help them survive the climatic conditions that shape the biome. whales have blubber to survive the cold waters of the polar ice regions.
Detailed explanation-3: -Regions of similar climate and dominant plant types are called biomes. This chapter describes some of the major terrestrial biomes in the world; tropical forests, savannas, deserts, temperate grasslands, temperate deciduous forests, Mediterranean scrub, coniferous forests, and tundra (Figure 4).
Detailed explanation-4: -A biome is an area classified according to the species that live in that location. Temperature range, soil type, and the amount of light and water are unique to a particular place and form the niches for specific species allowing scientists to define the biome.
Detailed explanation-5: -Biomes are defined as “the world’s major communities, classified according to the predominant vegetation and characterized by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment” (Campbell 1996).