A tropical rainforest is smaller in size than a deciduous forest.
A tropical rainforest receives more sunlight than a deciduous forest.
A tropical rainforest receives a greater annual precipitation than a deciduous forest.
A tropical rainforest has a greater number of rivers and lakes than a deciduous forest.
Detailed explanation-1: -Tropical evergreen forests are found in places with high temperatures and heavy rainfall. They receive more than 200 cm rainfall per year. Tropical deciduous forests are the most widespread forests in India and are found in regions that receive between 70cm to 200cm of rainfall every year.
Detailed explanation-2: -The tropical rainforest is continuously warmer with rainfall throughout the year. On the other hand, tropical deciduous forests have distinct dry and wet periods. Precipitation affects every aspect of these forests. Due to heavy rainfall throughout the year, tropical rainforests remain green all year round.
Detailed explanation-3: -Only a small percentage of the tropical forests are rain forests. To be a tropical rain forest, forested areas must: Lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Receive rainfall regularly throughout the year (80-400 inches a year).
Detailed explanation-4: -Complete answer: Trees of Evergreen forests shed their leaves at different times of the year . In case of deciduous forests they have a particular time for their leaves to shed. Evergreen forests are found in the areas which receive heavy rainfall . Deciduous forests are found in a large part of the country.
Detailed explanation-5: -The tropical rainforests always appear green as their trees never shed their leaves at any time of the year, the way tress of Deciduous forests do. Therefore they are called an evergreen forest. Was this answer helpful?