to produce proteins
to compare various genomes for similarities
make copies of DNA
analyze DNA structures
Detailed explanation-1: -The molecules making up this band collectively bind enough of the ethidium bromide to emit a detectable fluorescent signal. Therefore, when we view an electrophoresis gel that has been run and stained, we can observe bands of DNA. This is called the DNA fragment banding pattern.
Detailed explanation-2: -Bands are the horizontal “bars” which are actually stained DNA molecules embedded in the gel. As the DNA molecules migrate through the gel, they are sorted according to their molecular weight, so that each band represents DNA of a specific molecular weight.
Detailed explanation-3: -Since no two people have the same DNA, the pattern will be unique for each individual. If the pattern of the accused matches the pattern from the sample left at the scene of the crime, then the sample must belong to the suspect.
Detailed explanation-4: -To identify these bands, you will have to check on their size by consulting the DNA ladder. Your digested plasmid has a linear form with the size in between OC and CCC forms of the uncut plasmid. Genomic DNA has a large size. So, the genomic DNA usually show at the very top of your gel (very close to your well).